4 input channels
16 digital channels (with –MS models)
12-bit ADC resolution, up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution
Up to 10 GS/s with Enhanced Sample Rate
200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz bandwidths
±10 V applied offset with high gain settings
Long Memory - up to 50 Mpts/Ch
MAUI with OneTouch user interface
- 區域觸發 – 複雜訊號的簡單觸發
HD4096 High Definition Technology
Enables capture and display of signals with 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes. Waveforms captured and displayed are cleaner and crisper. Signal details often lost in the noise on other oscilloscopes are clearly visible and easy to distinguish with HD4096. HD4096 enables oscilloscopes to deliver unmatched measurement precision for improved debug and analysis.
Huge Applied Offset Range
A 16-bit offset DAC permits ±10 V offset at 20 mV/div, ±4 V at 5 mV/div, and an amazing ±1.6 V offset at the highest sensitivity (1 mV/div). Such large applied offsets (combined with 12 bits) make it easy to acquire and view small signal variations (e.g. ripple, noise, transient interference) on DC or sensor signals. They also provide extended offset ranges for many of Teledyne LeCroy’s high voltage probes.
帶有 一鍵分析 的 MAUI
MAUI – 最先進的使用者介面使示波器的所有功能和功能都觸手可及。專為觸控而設計,為簡單而打造,專為解決問題而設計。 MAUI 與 OneTouch 結合了拖放和輕拂功能,可提供無與倫比的示波器操作效率。了解更多關於 MAUI.
支援多達 23 個標準 – 所有標準均採用業界最好的串列解碼器。許多都配備了高性能觸發器。了解更多信息,請訪問 teledynelecroy.com/tdme
我們的波形分析工具和應用程序包提供無與倫比的洞察力。 了解更多信息 示波器工具元素週期表。將我們強大而深入的工具箱與多達 50 Mpts/ch 擷取記憶體和同類產品中最強大的主機板 – Intel® Core™ i3-2330E 雙(核心)、2.2 GHz(每核心)和 8 GB RAM 標準。